
Shivalli is a place near Udupi, in the state of Karnataka in southern India. Shivalli has been long famous for its proximity to the Sri Krishna Temple, located in Udupi and for Udupi itself. Shivalli in fact, is a village between Udupi and Manipal. The town of Manipal was earlier under Shivalli grama (village) panchayat and later came under Udupi municipality.
Shivalli takes its name from the words Shiva-Halli which means the town of Shiva. Udupi has two shiva temples Chandramouleshwara temple and Ananteshwara temple near the famous Sri Krishna temple/ Krishna matha. Even today all swamiji’s of ashtamatha’s first enter Chandramouleshwara temple and then Ananteshwara temple before entering Krishna Matha on auspicious occasions. Another legend as suggests that Shivalli has an origin in the old Sanskrit name Shivaroopya (where roopya is silver, or “bolli” in Tulu). In later years, it came to be known as Shivabolli, Shibbolli, Shivolli, and the present name, Shivalli.

The brahmins who follow Dvaita philosophy founded by Vaishnava saint Sri Madhvacharya ( Poornaprajna or Anandathirta) of Udupi are known as Shivalli Madhwa Brahmins.

The name helps to distinguish them from other brahmins and indicates their origins in and around Shivalli. They are concentrated in the districts of Udupi and Dakshina Kannada in Karnataka, and Kasaragod District in Kerala.

Shivalli Madhwa Brahmins speak Tulu language (with a strong influence of Sanskrit) that is slightly different from the Tulu spoken from other communities in this region. They are followers of the eight ashtamathas set up by Sri Madhvacharya. The Shivalli Madhwa Brahmin (brahmana) community has now spread all over the world. Shivalli Madhwa Brahmins are known for their hospitality, sharp intellect and good business acumen.

Some Shivalli Brahmins follow Advaita philosophy and are known as Shivalli Smarta Brahmins. The Smartha sect of these Thoulava/Shivalli/Udupi/Tulu brahmins migrated towards north of South Kanara and to parts of Shimoga districts during the time when Madhvaism peaked in the region and resulted in a Smartha-Madhva sect in-fight. These migrated population adopted Kannada as their language. They are followers of the Balekudru Math and are fewer in number compared to Shivalli Madhwa Brahmins.

It is believed that Mayura Varma, the Kadamba King who ruled vast areas of Southern and central India in the 4th Century A.D. brought Brahmins from Ahi Kshetra (or Ahichatra) and put them in-charge of various temples in the Tulu Nadu.

The term Tulu Nadu is supposedly derived from the word Tula Bhara (Tula = Weighing Scale, Bhara = Weight), a custom in this region wherein commodities are weighed against the weight of the concerned person.

Mayura Varma appointed Brahmins to manage the affairs of these 32 units. Ballalas (unit heads), Agnihotris (priests), Tantris, Sabhapathis (ministers), Pandiths (scholars), Gramanis (executives), Jannis (Temple trustees ) etc. were all appointed to run the administration of these units.

The Brahmins who first landed in Shivalli and then spread across 31 villages came to be known as Shivalli Brahmins or Tulu Brahmins. Brahmins who were appointed in the Western Kootaka (or Kota) village came to be known as Kota Brahmins (Hande, Hebbara, Herala, Holla, Karantha, Navada, Basri and Mayya are the eight renowned Kota Brahmin families). Kota Brahmins hail from the Kundapur and surrounding areas of Udupi district in Karnataka. Originally, thought to have been brought to these places from northern India by Parashurama, they speak a Kannada different from the other dialects spoken in that region. Kota Brahmins are more specifically concentrated in villages of Kota, Saligrama and Koteshwara of Udupi Taluk. One of the famous Kota Brahmins is Dr.Shivarama Karantha (Jnanapeetha award winner) who hailed from Saligrama, of Udupi Taluk.

Shivalli brahmins are pioneers of world famous Udupi hotels (Vegetarian restaurants) known for serving typical south Indian dishes and foods like idli, vada, dosa, shira and upma etc. This concept of restaurants is now copied by others all over the world. Shivalli brahmins have unique style of serving and eating meals. The meal is served on plantain (banana) leaf usually squatting on clean floor. All dishes are served in a particular place, fashion, and sequence and eaten by hand. The meal is wholesome and very elaborate in preparation, serving and eating.

Shivalli Brahmin males have to undergo Brahmopadesham ( Upanayana in Tulu ) when they turn seven years old. It is a ceremony where young boys are initiated into Vedic studies (in ancient times, but the ceremony takes place even today)[9]. The key ritual during the Upanayana is that of putting a Janivaara or sacred thread across the left shoulder of the boy. The Janivaara consists of three threads made of cotton. The boy, once initiated, is called a Dwija or twice born and is expected to perform japa or sandhyavandana at least twice daily. Shivalli Madhwa Brahmins also follow the Upakarma ceremony where the janivaara is changed and mudradharana is done. Mudradharana is a ritual where signs of Lord Vishnu’s symbols (Mudra) like conch (Shanka), chakra (wheel) are etched on bodies. This is done by placing hot metal moulds of these symbols mainly on the hand and stomach.

There are no equivalent ceremonies for Shivalli Brahmin girls. In fact, although North Indian Brahmin women take part significantly in the ritualistic process of Hinduism, Shivalli Brahmin women have no important role in these ceremonies. They have no religious education, and no rite of passage into adult society other than the rather dubious role in a marriage arranged by their parents. The reasons for the marked difference between women’s role in Brahmin culture amongst other groups (which is quite limited in itself) and the Shivali Brahmins has been a source of much debate. It is currently thought that the lowly role amongst the latter was due to an attempt at maintaining line purity by the first Shivali Brahmin men who migrated to the South and married local (non-Brahmin) fisher women.

The Shivalli Madhwa brahmins have rituals from birth to death at every stage of their life. Some claim the traditions and rituals followed by Shivalli Madhva Brahmins have scientific reasons to them worthy of research.


Present day marriages of Shivalli Madhva brahmins are a three day ceremony, sometimes condensed to a single day due to the fast pace of today’s life. In the three day ritual, the process of marriage starts with Naandi ( literally meaning start ). During Naandi, which takes place in the groom’s and bride’s homes separately, but at the same time, a ceremony is performed where the bride and groom have coconut oil and turmeric applied to them and are bathed in hot water followed by other rituals. Marriage ( Madimae in Tulu ) takes place at a temple, hall or auditorium followed by lunch. All the ceremonies are held as per horoscopes of bride and groom at a particular time called muhurtha. Generally the day after marriage, a ceremony called as the Bigara authana (a sort of reception) is held at the groom’s place and consists of the Satyanarayana puja and other rituals followed by lunch. The bigara authana is an equivalent of the marriage reception.


Shivalli Brahmins celebrate all major Hindu festivals such as Ganesh Chaturthi, Deepavali, Navaratri, Sankranti, Madhwanavami, Janmashtami, Ugadi, Ramanavami, Hanuman Jayanthi etc. They also believe in nagaradhane and rituals of Bhuta Kola.


Every shivalli brahmins belong to a particular gotra. Gotra can be roughly said to be a clan. The gotra are names of great sages or rishi’s of Hindu religion. Hence gotra indicates to sage to which a brahmin belongs to. Marriage is not allowed between bride and groom if both belong to same gotra ( Sagotra in Tulu ).This might be to avoid same blood group marriage , as it is believed in old days ,people of same gotra belong to same family. Gotras in Tulu brahmins are as follows


Restricted diet

Shivalli Madhwa Brahmins are expected to avoid eating the following vegetables and fruits in addition to avoiding non-vegetarian food completely.
Potato ( Sweet potato or kelang is allowed )
Brinjal ( A variety of Brinjal called as the Matti Gulla, available around Udupi, is allowed )
French beans ( Cluster Beans or Alasande is permitted )
Beet root
Pine apple
Drum sticks
Bottle gourd
Today, these restrictions are mostly followed only in the Ashta matha’s and some temples of South Canara. These vegetables and fruits are not considered to be origin of Parashurama kshetra and are Tamasic foods.

Surnames of Shivalli Madhwa Brahmins

This is list of surnames of Shivalli Brahmins.This list is incomplete.There are nearly 500 surnames

The family houses of Shivalli Brahmins had a direct bearing on these 32 villages. Family names of Shivalli Brahmins itself is a fantastic story. The Shivalli Brahmins community which lived in a compact geographical area measuring 100 k.m. width and 120 k.m. length, had more than 500 family names to it’s credit – is nothing but amazing…. Perhaps, a small community like this may not have such a diversified order of family houses in the whole world. Most of the family names have direct relationship with their respective names of their geographical location.

Here we have listed 520 Shivalli family names.

1. Antillaya
2. Acharya
3. Adapunnaya
4. Adaraya
5. Adiga
6. Adkathaya
7. Adundathaya
8. Agalithaya
9. Aggithaya
10. Agnithaya
11. Ahikari
12. Aitala
13. Akkepokkinaya
14. Alampulithaya
15. Alantaya
16. Alapayi
17. Alavuthaya
18. Alevooraya
19. Allithaya
20. Aluporithaya
21. Alya
22. Amatodithaya
23. Ambalannaya
24. Ambalithaya
25. Ambarathaya
26. Ambitaya
27. Ambulannaya
28. Ametaya
29. Ammannithaya
30. Amminnaya
31. Analathaya
32. Analithaya
33. Anantodithaya
34. Anantodithaya
35. Anethaya
36. Angintaya
37. Aninjathaya
38. Anjanodithaya
39. Annakunjathaya
40. Annakunjathaya
41. Annaya
42. Annithaya
43. Anolithaya
44. Anontodithaya
45. Apadithaya
46. Appuntaya
47. Aradithaya
48. Aralithaya
49. Arbithaya
50. Arimanithaya
51. Arimethaya
52. Arinaya
53. Aripadithaya
54. Aripadithaya
55. Aritodithaya
56. Ariyappinnaya
57. Arkemtaya
58. Armbuda thaya
59. Artinnaya
60. Aryapinnaya
61. Asranna
62. Asurannaya
63. Asurapennaya
64. Atradithaya
65. Ayapinnaya
66. Ayya
67. Badikkillaya
68. Badikolathaya
69. Badkothaya
70. Bagiltaya
71. Baginnaya
72. Bagitttillaya
73. Baipadithaya
74. Bajappilathaya
75. Bajathaya
76. Bakkuthaya
77. Bakudethaya
78. Balkooru
79. Ballakuraaya
80. Ballakurraya
81. Ballal
82. Ballullaya
83. Balluluthaya
84. Baltillaya
85. Bambatnaya
86. Banginnaya
88. Banillaya
89. Bannintaya
90. Barithaya
91. Barkanadithaya
92. Barkannarithaya
93. Barkannaya
94. Barlaya
95. Barnaya
96. Barpathaya
97. Baruikadithaya
98. Barvannaya
99. Barvattooraya
100. Bashrithaya
101. Basuri
102. Bayarithaya
103. Beedu
104. Belennaya
105. Belitraya
106. Belmannaya
107. Belnaraya
108. Bhagavata
109. Bhasmarithaya
110. Bhatha
111. Bijetnaya
112. Binnenjethaya
113. Bittigattooraya
114. Bolaminnaya
115. Bolinnaya
116. Bonantillaya
117. Borithaya
118. Bovinnaya
119. Brahmathaya
120. Chadagathaya
121. Chekkeraya
122. Chekkethaya
123. Cheppillathaya
124. Chikkaraya
125. Chilannaya
126. Damdillaya
127. Dappantaya
128. Delampadithaya
129. Devanthaya
130. Devapoojethaya
131. Dhanya
132. Dudipulithaya
133. Durgethaya
134. Edakillaya
135. Edambadithaya
136. Edebetnaya
137. Edeillaya
138. Elchithaya
139. Eliyathaya
140. Embrandri
141. Erepadithaya
142. Gangethaya
143. Ganjithaya
144. Golithaya
145. Goodethaya
146. Guddethaya
147. Hatvar
148. Halambi
149. Hebbar
150. Ibbadithaya
151. Ichchiltaya
152. Ichlampadithaya
153. Ideopadithaya
154. Ilasantooraya
155. Illadikathaya
156. Indravallithaya
157. Innantaya
158. Innenjethaya
159. Irevetaya
160. Iritaya
161. Irniraya
162. Irtekattithaya
163. Iruvantooraya
164. Jenni
165. Jogithaya
166. Kabanooru
167. Kabekodinnaya
168. Kachantaya
169. Kacholadithaya
170. Kadambadithaya
171. Kadamtaya
172. Kadambalithaya
173. Kadekaaraya
174. Kadekallaya
175. Kadekraya
176. Kademannaya
177. Kajannaya
178. Kajekantaya
179. Kakkillaya
180. Kakkothaya
181. Kakrannaya
182. Kalembithaya
183. Kalkooraya
184. Kalkudathaya
185. Kallooraya] 186. Kalyanithaya
187. Kamadakamoche
188. Kambalikodithaya
189. Kambalithaya
190. Kambarannaya
191. Kamboorannaya
192. Kanathaya
193. Kandipadithaya
194. Kandodidinaya
195. Kanginnaya
196. Kanginnaya
197. Kannaradithaya
198. Kannaraya
199. Kannarpadithaya
200. Kantarantaya
201. Karantha
202. Karevooruthaya
203. Karkadathaya
204. Karmunnaya
205. Kartaya
206. Kattethaya
207. Kavardithaya
208. Kavubhatha
209. Kayartodithaya
210. Kayerthaya
211. Kedambadithaya
212. Kedillaya
213. Kekunnaya
214. Kemumdethaya
215. Kermunnaya
216. Khadgathaya
217. Kidekedillaya
218. Kidekidennaya
219. Kidevooraya
220. Kidevooruthaya
221. Kielatooraya
222. Kilsaadithaya
223. Kinni
224. Kodalaya
225. Kodambalithaya
226. Kodancha
227. Kodanchathaya
228. Kodapalithaya
229. Koddotiraya
230. Kodekallaya
231. Kodetillaya
232. Kodethaya
233. Kodevooruthaya
234. Kodikopdithaya
235. Kodinnaya
236. Kodishillaya
237. Koduvetnaya
238. Koikudithaya
239. Kokkadanaya
240. Kol;kethaya
241. Kolambethaya
242. Kolathaya
243. Konethaya
244. Koodemooruthaya
245. Koorkapadithaya
246. Koratinnaya
247. Korinnaya
248. Kornaya
249. Kornginnaya
250. Kotikunjathaya
251. Kotladinaya
252. Kothambarithaya
253. Kothaya
254. Koudambadithaya
255. Koyakudalaya
256. Kubanooraya
257. Kudalathaya
258. Kudamathaya
259. Kuddannaya
260. Kudipustooraya
261. Kudrentaya
262. Kudrethaya
263. Kudumannaya
264. Kuduraya
265. Kuduvannaya
266. Kujimannaya
267. Kukkillaya
268. Kukkinnaya
269. Kukkodithaya
270. Kumdangolithaya
271. Kumdannaya
272. Kumdantaya
273. Kumdaya
274. Kumdlaya
275. Kumtarantaya
276. Kunikullaya
277. Kunikudalaya
278. Kunilaya
279. Kunjannaya
280. Kunjathaya
281. Kunjattooraya
282. Kunjimannaya
283. Kunjimargathaya
284. Kunkodithaya
286. Kuttupulithaya
287. Kutyaraya
288. Libilithaya
289. Machchinnaya
290. Madantaya
291. Madantillaya
292. Madapulithaya
293. Madavooruthaya
294. Madhyastha
295. Madinnaya
296. Madkullaya
297. Madpulithaya
298. Madumannaya
299. Maduvallithaya
300. Maduvinnaya
301. Mailathaya
302. Maipadithaya
303. Majalaya
304. Majithaya
305. Makkinnaya
306. Makkithaya
307. Malepadithaya
308. Mallanjithaya
309. Mallathaya
310. Mamantraya
311. Manbinnithaya
312. Mandannaya
313. Mandecha
314. Mangalathaya
315. Manigallataya
316. Manikallaya
317. Manilathaya
318. Maniyantaya
319. Manjagodithaya
320. Manjarodithaya
321. Manjathaya
322. Manjinadithaya
323. Manjooraya
324. Manolithaya
325. Maradithaya
326. Mattinnaya
327. Mayoorathaya
328. Mithadkathaya
329. Mithanadkathaya
330. Mithanaduduthaya
331. Mithantaya
332. Mittillaya
333. Mogeraya
334. Moodambadiothaya
335. Moodapallithaya
336. Moodillaya
337. Moodithaya
338. Mooduvannaya
339. Moolepadithaya
340. Moosipadithaya
341. Moovattooraya
342. Muchchantaya
343. Mudikudalaya
344. Mudipadithaya
345. Mudambadithaya
346. Mukkathaya
347. Mundadithaya
348. Munnooraya
349. Muradithaya
350. Naduvantodithaya
351. Nadvantillaya
352. Nakkathaya
353. Nakshatrithaya
354. Nakshatrithaya
355. Nalapathaya
356. Nallooraya
357. Nanilthaya
358. Narakatathaya
359. Naralathaya
360. Narithaya
361. Nayampalithaya
362. Nekkantaraya
363. Nellithaya
364. Netrathaya
365. Nidmbooraya
366. Nidvannaya
367. Ninjooraya
368. Noojinnaya
369. Noojithaya
370. Noorithaya
371. Okkunnaya
372. Oojiraya
373. Oorangalathaya
374. Oppantaya
375. Oranballithaya
376. Padakannaya
377. Padamgathaya
378. Padantaya
379. Padathaya
380. Paddannaya
381. Paddillaya
382. Padethaya
383. Padithaya
384. Padithaya
385. Padooraya
386. Padukannaya
387. Padvantaya
388. Padvetnaya
389. Padyaya
390. Pakam
391. Palangaya
392. Palethaya
393. Pananjethaya
394. Pandarathaya
395. Pangannaya
396. Panjikannaya
397. Panoruthaya
398. Paramanjithaya
399. Parlathaya
400. Parooruthaya
401. Patooraya
402. Patooruthaya
403. Patteri
404. Pejathaya
405. Pelattya
406. Peradithaya
407. Permuthaya
408. Perannaya
409. Perlaya
410. Permudanaya
411. Permunnya
412. Pilikarethaya
413. Podennaya
414. Pogethaya
415. Polangaya
416. Polinnaya
417. Ponnethaya
418. Poojithaya
419. Poti
420. Poyyethaya
421. Puchchethaya
422. Pudinnaya
423. Pulimpudithaya
424. Pulintaya
425. Punichithaya
426. Punethaya
427. Punikallaya
428. Puranika
429. Purathaya
430. Putrannaya
431. Puttilathaya
432. Puttillaya
433. Putturaya
434. Puttyethaya
435. Raya
436. Sadangaya
437. Saddannaya
438. Sagrithaya
439. Samaga
440. Samblaja
441. Sampigethaya
442. Sannadkathaya
443. Saralathaya
444. Saralaya
445. Sedikulaya
446. Shabaraya
447. Shabarooraya
448. Shadngataya
449. Shambarathaya
450. Sharanamtaya
451. Sharma
452. Shastri
453. Shibafrooraya
454. Shioppillaya
455. Shirantooraya
456. Shiriyadithaya
457. Shivamuidinnaya
458. Shivathaya
459. Sidikulaya
460. Simantooraya
461. Simbaruthaya
462. Sirathaya
463. Sirkulithaya
464. Sittillaya
465. Somadhyaya
466. Somayaji
467. Subojethaya
468. Sulyannaya
469. Sunnathaya
470. Sunnethaya
471. Suvithaya
472. Suvithaya
473. Tadethaya
474. Talapadithaya
475. Talethaya
476. Talithaya
477. Tamratodithaya
478. Tantrithaya
479. Tekatillathaya
480. Tekkethaya
481. Tenjithaya
482. Tenkillaya
483. Terakunjithaya
484. Todinnaya
485. Todtillaya
486. Tolpadithaya
487. Tonillaya
488. Tontinnaya
489. Totantillaya
490. Tumbikalaya
491. Uapadithaya
492. Ubballithaya
493. Ubevythaya
494. Uchchiltaya
495. Udupa
496. Uduvannaya
497. Ugravallithaya
498. Ukkuraya
499. Uliraya
500. Ulithaya
501. Uliyathaya
502. Ullooraya
503. Ummannataya
504. Ummannithaya
505. Ungrupuilithaya
506. Upadhyaya
507. Uparannaya
508. Urala
509. Uralaoorivulla
510. Urathaya
511. Urivullabaipadithaya
512. Urlangodithaya
513. Vagannaya
514. Vakilaya
515. Vakkinnaya
516. Varkadithaya
517. Vavunnam
518. Vayalaya
519. Vellaya
520. Vokudennaya
521. Yadapadithaya
522. Yatradithaya
523. Yelachithaya
524. Yerkadithaya

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